5 Marketing Tips for Home Improvement Companies

5 Marketing Tips for Home Improvement Companies Neon Goldfish

As your home improvement business grows, you must come up with different strategies to help you grow your brand and reach out to potential customers.

Successful marketing begins with strategic customer outreach.

You must understand different mediums and use them effectively.

Website optimization allows you to increase conversion rates.

Your website needs to do more than list your services and your contact information; it needs to serve as a marketing tool.

You can optimize your website by simplifying navigation for your clients and provide easy access to any information clients need in the decision making process.

Use your experience in the home improvement industry to anticipate clients’ needs and wants, so that you can create an experience.

Lastly, your customers need an easy way to contact you about their projects or questions. This way, you can generate leads without spending money.


Search Engine Optimization (SEO) makes it easy for customers to find your home improvement business online.

SEO simply means making it easy for search engines to understand your content and improving your online reputation so that your business rank high on search engines.

You need to understand keywords your customers use when online, such as ‘home improvement’ or ‘renovating’.

Using the right keywords increases the likelihood of new visitors coming into your site and learning about your services. SEO optimization also helps you reach people who are already looking for your business.


If you do not have an existing blog, create one and dedicate it to your clients.

While using your blog as a marketing tool, make sure you offer quality and helpful content to your readers.

Turn your blog into a valuable resource your customers can refer to for information on home improvement.

Additionally, it serves as a platform your customers can refer to with questions on their home improvement projects, or help educate them in their buying journey.

The blog can address issues such as different pricing packages, product and service reviews, home improvement solutions and DIY tips.

Make sure you create infographics, text, images from previous jobs, videos, and slideshares.

However, only invest in what you can afford and sustain over time.

A Gated Offer

Using an inbound methodology, you can create a gated offer such as an e-book or price calculator. These offers are free, with the catch that the person has to supply an email address or other contact information to receive the link to get the material. This can be a great way to improve your leads and begin to grow your email list.

Now you will have a built in audience for your email sequence.

Email Sequence Marketing

Email marketing allows you to nurture potential customers who are not ready to engage by being helpful along the way.

You can create automated emails, which you can tailor according to the content they have previously shown interest in: for example, if someone signed up while downloading your e-book offer: ‘A Guide to Creating a Nursery’, you can follow up by sending an email with a link to a blog on your website like ‘Eco-friendly paint for your Nursery’ or other child-related home improvement articles.

These are meant to be helpful, but you should always offer your expertise if they have any questions and provide your contact information.

Space all the emails you send to every week or bi-weekly to avoid spamming your customers or overwhelming your readers with too much information.

Digital Marketing Impact

Digital marketing offers cost-effective marketing solutions for your home improvement business.

While looking to grow your business, you need a team on your side such as Neon Goldfish to help you improve your ROI and increase conversion rates.
