7 New Ideas for Your 2018 Landscape Marketing

7 New Ideas For Your 2018 Landscape Marketing

Advertising your landscape business does not require a massive budget for inbound and outbound marketing. In fact, you can spend very little and still end up with a steady stream of customers. What matters most is making proper use of all the marketing channels at your disposal. In particular, online marketing will help generate interest in your company.

Start With a Blog

Blogs might seem like an afterthought to some when it comes to marketing yet they are quite the powerful tool. A regularly updated blog can bring thousands of monthly prospects to your website. Blog content that provides helpful tips to solve client problems or other insightful information will prove especially attractive.

In fact, blog content will draw in visitors at all times of the day and night for years to come. This really is the online marketing gift that never stops giving.

Keep Pushing Once Your Blog is Up

Once you set up your blog, it is time to load it up with content. Produce content at least once every week to keep people coming back for more information. If you are not a skilled writer, outsource your blog content creation to a freelance writer.

In general, it is prudent to post between one and two posts each week. Keep posting content with regularity and search engines will soon classify these postings as informative tidbits for web users, making it that move easier to move toward the first page of search engine results.

Content Quality Matters the Most

Your online content must be of high-quality. Otherwise, your audience will lose interest and move on to a new web page. Each blog post should be well-researched and interesting. Provide your online audience with interesting and valuable material.

If your readers find the content on your website and blog interesting, they will be that much more likely to return for subsequent visits and become paying customers.

The Power of SEO

SEO is an acronym that stands for search engine optimization. SEO really is the name of the game when it comes to online marketing for landscaping businesses. Emphasize SEO and it won’t be long until those interested in landscaping services find your business on the web. SEO is centered on using keywords and key phrases your target audience is most likely to search for when online.

Even the use of local streets, neighborhoods, towns and city nicknames in your online content can help those in your area find your landscaping business online. Consider using Ubersuggest or Adword to pinpoint the keywords optimal for your business. This way, if someone enters “landscaping” and your city name, your website will be one of the first that appears.

Consider the Opportunity Cost of Crafting Your own Online Content

Ask yourself if you prefer to work on landscaping-related projects or write blog content. If you do not mind creating online content and are a skilled writer, it might make sense to create your own blog posts. However, there will be an opportunity cost to creating your own online marketing content. Consider the number of landscaping jobs you could have completed while writing your blog posts. It might make more sense to provide the work to a copywriter so you can focus on serving your current client base.

Content Reigns as King yet the Monarchy has Some Company
The quality and frequency of your online content along with a focus on SEO matter a great deal. Yet content is not enough in and of itself to draw people to your website and blog. Search engines also favor links. In particular, working links from other websites and social media platforms that connect web users to your site will prove especially helpful.

Such links show search engines the website is an excellent source of overall information and worthy of a ranking. Reaching this point is difficult, especially when vying for web searchers who type common phrases into search engines. Give it some time, keep grinding and your company will receive its search engine ranking in due time.

Key in on the Subtleties of Online Marketing and Your Landscaping Business Will Reach the Next Level

Content should be posted to your blog and/or website on a weekly basis. When crafting content, be sure to check links for older posts. Search engines will quickly reduce your website’s ranking if there is an abundance of broken web links. Sweat the small stuff like broken web links, SEO keywords and phrases and your website will gradually achieve a higher search engine ranking. This ranking will lead to increased exposure and a significant revenue boost.

If you are looking for new landscape marketing ideas in 2018, contact our team at Neon Goldfish. We’re a specialized team of marketers who understand the landscape industry and want to help you get back to doing what you do best – getting dirty outside vs sitting in your office all day. Let’s get started today!

