How often should you check for site errors?

Ideally, Daily

The best and most airtight method of fixing and preventing errors is to do daily checks on your network. Unfortunately, that is impractical and nearly impossible in reality. This is an irrational level of frequency that would consume resources like no other.

Realistically, Every 30-60 Days

Checking frequently will help keep issues low; however, checking too often will pull resources that may not be necessary. Having a scheduled diagnostic run monthly or every other month will keep your site healthy while not causing severe strain on your workflow.

Whenever Your Site Goes Down

In the case of your site crashing, you should run a check to find the errors responsible for your downed website. This reactive maintenance is not as optimal as the preventative maintenance of scheduled checks. There are always chances of emergencies, so being able to run a check after your site goes down will help bring it back up as soon as possible.
